How old is this bird? I'm leaning towards cockerel too, maybe! But at the same time, that single row comb with not much color has me unsure. Knowing the age will help.
Waah really want tweety to be a SHE haha. About 5 months I believe. The guy said to expect laying sometime mid winter and assured that it was a pullet.... If it helps he/she is a very affectionate chicken and all the other chickens (hens) pick on him. He is very submissive to them.
IF the bird is in fact 5 months old, I'd say pullet - honestly, I would suggest you just hold onto him/her and decide when the bird lays or crows, you can always re-home him if he is a he, but would hate to see you get rid of a her by mistake. This one photo is one that could go either way really, do you have any other photos?
At 5 months old, I would expect to see a larger comb on a male... Could you post a few more photos from different angles? I agree that it looks a bit like a cockerel in this photo, but I'm not 100% sure. It seems to have some pullety characteristics too.
How long have you had the birds, OP, and do you have any photos of when you got them -- we may be able to help you narrow down the age, which will play into the gender assessment.