Genes/Traits - What will my chicks look like?


5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I just started incubating 5 eggs from my flock of 7 hens and 2 roos. I'm not sure who the father is for any of them, since these eggs are just for fun and science to see what they come out as. HeiHei is one of the roos, a Golden Laced polish. Terry is the other roo, a Buff Laced Polish. They're brothers, and HeiHei usually mates more frequently but Terry will sometimes. Both roos are bearded, too. The eggs I chose are: 1 from a brown easter egger (bearded) that lays green eggs, 3 from barred rocks, and 1 from a buff orpington. I've heard that the crest is a dominant gene/trait (still not sure what to call it/them) and therefore all will most likely have some sort of crest. What do you expect they will look like? I'm very impatiently awaiting their hatch in March!

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