Genetic deformity- Barred rock


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 1, 2012
Hi, i got my barred rock in mid September so its a little over 3 months now. Shes a nice and sweet hen but since the first few weeks i got her i've notice some weird things such as her comb being just.... different from the other i've had in the past. its not that she has a different comb, (such as a rose or a pea) but that its basically a normal comb, but at the top instead of a straight line of i dont know the right term for this... but comb ridges?? (sorry for the terminology:p) instead of a straight line, she has 3 coming out at the same spot on the top of her head! i've also noticed that her toes almost "lean" in when he walks and when she was little she never closed her beak all the way (but now i think thats better) ill try and post pics, but im not sure how to haha! thanks for your input!!
okay! thanks
, another thing if she was a barred rock, i also thought that they had bright yellow legs, hers are more of a greenish grey. im not sure if that means shes a mix? or just not a barred.
Likely a mix.

I know Dom's have a rose comb but not all like like a typey rose comb, and not everyone can describe a rose comb too well or understand it vs a pea comb.
That's a modified rose comb
Which proves my saying, rose combs, pure or not, can vary. Just as peas can.

I'm sure cross breeding Dom x Rock in hatcheries happens often, so it isn't a seriously rare thing to get a "Rock" with a non-single comb.

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