genetics and sexing question


7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
Hi All,

I hatched a few of my own chicks for the first time and have a couple of questions. I have to chicks that look just like my hatchery barred rock pullets, sorry don't have any pics right now. From what I have read and not understood very well, the barring may not be an effective way to sex these littles. Here is what I know. The papa is a big white Plymouth Rock. Mom could be any one of 16 hens. I have rocks, wyandottes, RIR, New Hampshire Reds, and 1 each lonely black sex link and australorpe. Babies are only about 6 weeks old but are still quite dark where as my dominiques are getting lighter by the day. Any ideas about whether barring is a good indicator given what we know? I won't be disappointed either way but curiosity is killing me.

Crossing a non-barred rooster with a barred hen should give you sex-linked chicks where the males would be the only ones with barring. However, this doesn't necessarily work when you have a white rooster. White can be very dominant. It's entirely possible that your white rooster could carry the barring gene and not show it but pass that trait onto some of his offspring regardless of their sex.

At 6 weeks, at least some of the boys should be getting larger pink combs and wattles. If you post some good photos of them, we would be happy to help you figure out their sexes. :)
ok here are pics of the 2 in question. I was wrong they are 5 weeks old yesterday. I have a third mystery chick, but cannot get a pic that one is shy.

top pic not so great chick with head down. know barred rock pullet has head in foreground. She is a mid july chick. Bottom chick is one with foot on feeder. None of the hens were barred rocks but I do have white and buff rocks. So mama remains a mystery.

I'm not sure on what mixes went into these chicks, but I know that the two that you pictured look like pullets.
Unfortunately, the white Rock rooster will play merry havoc with your genetics. Pretty much any other color, non-barred bird would have made black sex links with your barred hens, but the dominant white often covers barring or a variety of other colors. So, sexing won't be possible based on barring. You'll have to go by comb development, etc.
Unfortunately, the white Rock rooster will play merry havoc with your genetics. Pretty much any other color, non-barred bird would have made black sex links with your barred hens, but the dominant white often covers barring or a variety of other colors. So, sexing won't be possible based on barring. You'll have to go by comb development, etc. 

I agree. Since she doesn't have any barred chickens, I think the barring genes are most coming from the white rocks.
I agree. Since she doesn't have any barred chickens, I think the barring genes are most coming from the white rocks.
Well op said there were Rock hens, but didn't specify color. I guess I just assumed they were barred

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