

12 Years
Jun 9, 2011
(Info and pics are not mine)

Genets are feliforms, and are related to cats. Most of them have spotted coats, long, banded tails, small heads, and large ears. They are able to move through any opening that their head can fit through.Genets are highly agile creatures, with quick reflexes and exceptional climbing skills, and are the only viverrids that are able to stand bipedally. They are able to walk, trot, run, climb up and down trees, and jump. They are nocturnal and solitary, but some pairs and family groups are occasionally seen.

Males have been found to be more active than females at night because of their greater size, which indicates that males have greater energy requirements to satisfy their physiological needs. Females typically weigh less, and they have been found to be less active overall. Females' home ranges are also smaller than males'.The mean annual home range of the common genet is 113 hectares (279 acres) for males and 72 hectares (178 acres) for females.While males have larger home ranges in all seasons, the differences between male and females territories are most significant during the winter.

Genets possess extremely long tails, typically around one to one and a half times the length of their bodies. Their bodies are typically 16.9 to 22.9 inches long, while their tails are approximately 15.4-20.9 inches long.These longs tails provide a highly effective counterweight that enables them to easily maintain balance as they leap from tree limb to tree limb. However, the length of genets' tails does not necessarily correspond to them inhabiting a more woody habitat.They are not strictly terrestrial, and spend much of their time in trees. Genets have semi-retractable claws, which they use for climbing and holding prey, but not for fighting.

Genets can move their eyes within their sockets, but eye mobility is limited; head movement is required.Their ears can move via the pinna in order to locate sounds. The nose has a dual function, both olfactory and tactile perception. Smelling is aided by the rhinarium, utilized in many other mammals.Adult genets typically weigh around 2.2 to 6.6 pounds, with an average weight of 4.4 pounds


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