gentleman roosters - nature or nurture??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 7, 2007
Cave Creek
I’ve noticed big differences in my older Roos when they are separated from the girls. They are of course more eager but, some are still always gentleman and others are just more or less rough. My young roos are getting old enough to be interested in the girls. It’s also molting season here and I separate everybody to give the girls a break while they are going thru it. So, my question is…should the boys be left with the girls while they are “developing” ? Do they learn better “social skills” when they are better gentleman? Is that a learned skill? Or are they by nature gentleman or houlagans?
I think it's a learned skill, but that some of them have higher drives built in from the start. I don't think keeping them apart will be that big of an issue. They'll just learn later in life!

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