german spitzhauben chicks


15 Years
Feb 12, 2009
I need info on this breed from someone who is raising these funny little chicks. I want to build their coop and run to go along with their natural behaviors.
Love these little chickadees... mine are 4 weeks and love to fly to the highest spot in the run. Even in the coop I find them on top of tall stuff.

I'd def cover the run. At 4 weeks are great fliers.

I wonder if they stay great fliers....

Good Luck.
Mine are about 13 weeks old and they are still great fliers! They love to roost in trees or in the top beam of the coop as high as they can get. One night the coop door was accidentally closed at dusk and they roosted up on the power lines!!
So if you clip wings they will then jump to highest roost. I trying to decide palcement of a coop and run I have about 1 acre wooded lot and want to incorporate into run. do you think that would be good or bad plan?

Mine are 6 weeks 1 roo 2 hens
There is no such thing as German Spitzhauben chickens, Spitzhaubens are from Switzerland.

I had some Appenzellers last year, got them from Ideal, flighty but none the less very interesting chickens. Sadly a Bobcat got all of mine last winter......



My Appenzeller Spitzenhouben are wonderful. I enjoy them quite a bit. I have 3- two pullets and a cockerel. All are sweet. I'll have to watch as they get older if they also will be seeking the highest spot in the coop

Cackle hatchery sells their appenzeller as German Spitzhaubens.

I have had the birds for years. They are some what friendly, good layers and as chickens go they are intelligent birds. They like to fly as adults.

We got our girl from Meyer's. She is pretty bright and a nice flier. As far as the basics on coop info go, if you are planning to keep them locked up (as in no or little free-range) I'd get a run and put some chicken wire on top of it. Spitz chickens like to roost in trees.

They like to free-range, though. We give our flock partial free-range. When the time comes, I plan to clip her wings, though.

Cruella De Vil is currently 10 weeks old. This is her as of last week.



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