Getting Baby Chicks!!

You can go through TSC but I like to go through the hatchery myself I can then mix and match what I want.

Are you looking for egg layers? are you looking for docile to behave well with kids? Are you looking for pretty? Are you looking for something that forages well?

Yes 3-4 day old will be fine.
Well, I’m just going to look and see what they have. My plan is to get an assortment of breeds
Hey guys!
I’m heading home with 6 golden laced Wyandotte pullets and 5 straight run black australorps!

More pictures (now that I am at home)!
All: (including my original 3 chicks)

St. Run Black australorp:
Golden laced ‘pullet’:

I looked up pics of both breeds (chicks) online and they looked to be correct...

Also, those chicks picture ARE MY CHICKS! (You probably knew that, but I’m just very happy!!)

So I’m very happy! :love :celebrate

11 chicks (bought today) and 3 chicks (that I hatched myself)! :bun

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