Girl or boy baby maran


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013

10 days old, safe to say roo because of the copper wings? never saw coloring on this young of a bird
That's just juvenile feathering. It doesn't mean that chick is male. The male specific dark red shoulders doesn't start to come until about 6 to 8 weeks old.
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That's just juvenile feathering. It doesn't mean that chick is male. The male specific dark red shoulders doesn't start to come until about 6 to 8 weeks old.

Wow, just never saw a chick with so much color. so pretty love him/ her. I love my Roos I have 9 grown and about 7 2 months old
I agree, that's not male specific coloring. It's not copper as in black copper, either. there's some Wheaton or something else going on genetically to give that color.
That's just juvenile feathering. It doesn't mean that chick is male. The male specific dark red shoulders doesn't start to come until about 6 to 8 weeks old.

I agree, that's not male specific coloring. It's not copper as in black copper, either. there's some Wheaton or something else going on genetically to give that color.
X2 on both of the above posts.
I agree, that's not male specific coloring. It's not copper as in black copper, either. there's some Wheaton or something else going on genetically to give that color.
Well and he sold me wheaten ameraucanas that def are not that either, so this ought to be interesting. cutie pie at any rate. Note to self stick to reputable breeders
Well and he sold me wheaten ameraucanas that def are not that either, so this ought to be interesting. cutie pie at any rate. Note to self stick to reputable breeders

My understanding is the Wheaton can plague even some really good lines of black coppers. It's a recessive thing and needs to be culled for hard to keep the black line pure. You might want to let the breeder know you got a non-black chick, just for their info for managing their breeders.
My understanding is the Wheaton can plague even some really good lines of black coppers. It's a recessive thing and needs to be culled for hard to keep the black line pure. You might want to let the breeder know you got a non-black chick, just for their info for managing their breeders.

Well now I'm wondering if this is the olive egger. I thought he said the little chipmunk face but maybe not.

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