GL Orpington or GL Wyandotte?


9 Years
Sep 26, 2010
Houston, Texas
Hi to all! I'm a new egg on here, just joined this month! On Labor Day, I bought 2 booted bantams from our feed store, the sales people didn't know what breed of bantams they were. I thought they were beautiful & purchased them as pullets for $2 each. I researched on what type of breeds they might be & narrowed it down to two: Gold Laced Wyandotte and the Gold Laced Orpinton. I have yet to see any pictures of both these breeds with feathered feet and the info I read on most websites didn't state that some had feathered feet. I believe one of the bantys is a cockerel, the end feathers are turning a slight dark green and there are several long tail feathers emerging, along with the comb being more pronounced than the other banty. If you have any idea of what breed they might be, I would sure appreciate it! This is the first time we are raising chickens and we are in love with them!

[IMG] cockerel, feathered feet

This is the hen.
GL Wyandottes don't have feathered legs and feet, and I don't think Orpingtons do either. The coloring is more partridge than laced, too.

They are very pretty, whatever they are.
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That's a Partridge Cochin.

GL Orpingtons are so rare I'd consider them not available in the US, and GL Wyandottes are truly laced, plus they have a rosecomb and clean legs.
There neither orpington or wyandotte... there partridge cochins since they have feathered feet!!!!
Ive learned to never trust feed stores they always lie!
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I have to say that MPC did a great job with my girls. All 7 are what they are supposed to be (well, except for the single comb on the GLW). And apparently all girls. I know they aren't show stock, but that isn't important to me at this point. Maybe later

Everyone should follow this advice.

Same goes for hatcheries. . . .
Thanks for the replies! The feed store didn't know what they were, only some type of booted bantams, but I will research more on partridge cochin!
I suspected we had a roo, but he softly coos, hasn't found his voice

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