Goat Fence: 6 or 12" spacing??


12 Years
Apr 4, 2007
West Lafayette, IN
Field Fence...aka Woven Wire.

I assume 47" is better than 39"....I assume 12.5 gauge is better than 14.

My goats have horns, but will have 2 strands of hot wire to keep them off fence.....

So...12" verticle spacing or 6 "?
Wow, really ahrd to say without knowing what types of goats. However, my full grown pygmys can fit through the little chicken pop door without even working hard., and it is about 6x8".
I'm getting Goat fence it has 4 inch openings cause my meat goats will have horns. I thought about doing the electric but the thought that it might go down and then the goat could get their head stuck bothered me.

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