Sep 3, 2011 #1 carolsmith7878 Songster 10 Years May 28, 2011 264 68 216 Lakeland, FL Hello, Is it too soon to be able to tell the sex on this guy/girl. We named it Studmuffin... should we have just named it Muffin? Thanks!
Hello, Is it too soon to be able to tell the sex on this guy/girl. We named it Studmuffin... should we have just named it Muffin? Thanks!
Sep 3, 2011 #2 OSUman GO BUCKS 10 Years Apr 17, 2009 3,393 49 233 Central Illinois Quote: Keep its original name.
Sep 3, 2011 #3 Whiskey Bay Songster 9 Years May 24, 2010 1,178 11 141 Mississippi Gulf coast Def looks like a 'stud'muffin.I have 3 Lavender cochin chicks that are only a few weeks old and can already tell for def I have 2 roos and a pullet.
Def looks like a 'stud'muffin.I have 3 Lavender cochin chicks that are only a few weeks old and can already tell for def I have 2 roos and a pullet.
Sep 4, 2011 #4 SuttonHeritageFarm Songster 8 Years Apr 30, 2011 113 0 101 Jackson Springs, NC I agree. Cute name by the way.
Sep 4, 2011 Thread starter #5 carolsmith7878 Songster 10 Years May 28, 2011 264 68 216 Lakeland, FL Thanks! Unfortunately, because he is a roo, we will most likely have to find him another home. Thank you for all the input. Studmuffin was from the first set of eggs that my son hatched for 4-H. It will be hard to re-home him.
Thanks! Unfortunately, because he is a roo, we will most likely have to find him another home. Thank you for all the input. Studmuffin was from the first set of eggs that my son hatched for 4-H. It will be hard to re-home him.