Gold sex link chick - boy or girl? **Updated pictures**

Unfortunately I can't remember, it was a while ago, and they were the first chickens that I raised from such an early age, so everything was excitingly new.

I am leaning towards the idea that his wings came in all white. He showed rooster really quickly because everyone else started their tail feathers immediately, and he stayed tail-less until 4 to 5 weeks. It was hysterical.

I'm crossing my fingers that your girl is a girl!
I was in the same position you are, in that I simply couldn't have roosters and ordered SLs specifically to avoid them.
I wish I had pics of mine from 2 weeks, but she had me really scared -- ALL her wing feathers came in white. Somewhere between then and now (8 weeks), she shed them out and now she's pretty much all red with some white flecks.

That's not to say that you *don't* have a rooster, just that even the supposed sex-linked can fool you.
Hmmm. Both of my GSLs have a little red in their wing feathers. Little smudges on the white.

I guess you could say the red coloring is more like tinting at this age than the dark red coloring you see on the adults.
I heard back from Ideal.
They said they both look like girls because the boys are much lighter and have no coloring in them at all.

I'll update you all in a few weeks.
Not looking good. The chick in question is starting to get a few body feathers in (way after the other sex link did) and they are white. The only red so far is in the wings.
The other sex link is getting red feathers and much sooner.

I'll update again soon...

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