I was moving my turkey fencing tonight, and noticed a small bird hanging out with them in the pasture. It looks just like this, and I think it might be a young pheasant (I googled pics trying to figure out what it was until I saw this one that it looked like). I don't know where it came from, but it must have gotten loose, or lost, or something. It's so pretty! It makes kind of a longish high-pitched sound along with some shorter chirps. It's not very scared of me, so I assume it belongs to someone or they didn't want it anymore (I looked, but it didn't have any leg tag). This is the second time in 4 years this happened! The other one was a sweet little Old English hen (I think) that still lives here and lays eggs with the chickens, etc. That time I spent a considerable amount of effort phoning all the neighbors and anyone I thought it might belong to and everyone thought I was nuts, so I'm just going to let this little bird decide on it's own where it wants to live. Right now it's just roosting out on the fence near the others. I feel like a lucky girl!
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