Good Breeds


5 Years
Aug 7, 2014
I live in Winchester, KY and been a chicken owner for a year and love having my girls. I currently have 5 hens,1 Americana, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Leg Horn and 2 Rhode Island Reds. I love having different hens and that I get different color eggs, I am wanting to get 5 more hens this October, what are some other good breed to get? Thanks for the help.
Buff orpingtons, Production reds if you want egg layers big time, EE's, LOVE barrred rocks, Australorps, and Silver laced Wynndottes are good to. Hope you find the ones you want!
Mine aren't laying yet, but as far as personalities...

So far loving my black australorps, columbian wyandottes and blue laced red wyandottes. Love my barred rock too, but you already have that one.

My golden buffs are friendly too. My easter eggers are curious but not to the point they will let me hold them.
I LOVE barred rocks, Ameraucanas, and buff Orpingtons. The BR are so friendly and very brave, the Ameraucana's are so sweet and cuddly, and my BOs are always the first one to lay and are so fluffy and friendly.
Hope this helps!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Buff orpingtons all the way. They are sweet, affectionate, curious, cold hardy, great layers and foragers and they bear confinement well. You will not be disappointed with the buff orp!!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Oh, Black Australorps! Can't say enough about them!! Very friendly, docile, great layers and they are very hardy over all. My girls are huge lap sitters! Can't go wrong with Aussies!!

Good luck in what ever breeds you choose. :)

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