Good brown egg laying chicken

Pretty much anything that's not small-bodied and doesn't have an excessively huge single comb. The breeds usually recommended for cold climates are things like buckeyes/chanteclers/wyandottes (less comb to get frostbite, and most have been selected for winter laying ability) and orpingtons (big and fluffy).

However it is not like WV has particularly Arctic winters and I think that practically any standard sized breed (possibly avoiding the smaller-bodied Mediterranean breeds like leghorns etc - but they're generally white egg layers anyhow) would do absolutely fine. Any of the sex-links would be just fine, too, if you want something that is a prolific layer at least for the first few years. Just make sure they have a weatherproof, nondrafty, dry, WELL VENTILATED coop and a wide roost to sleep on so their tummy feathers cover their toes.

Good luck,

I'm new at this too, and live in Alaska. I got Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rock. We also built our coop with insulation under the floor, in the walls, and ceiling. We also have power out there for heat lamps and keeping the water thawed out.
Chanteclers were created for Canadian climate. Very small combs nad very hardy. They can be hard to find though. Another one that does well in Canada is the black sex link...apperently a very hardy bird. I have 3 of them right now, just chicks. I want to see how they do in the winter compared to the barred rocks I have
It all depends on what type of shelter they have. Any of the Wyandottes will be ok. If you are just wanting eggs then the Rose Comb Brown Leghorn will be fine. Can you let your chickens free range? Then they are more choices.
Norwegian whatsa-whooses?

NO offense, but WV winters won't present any insurmountable problems. Much of the leading poultry work has been pursued for years in places like Maine or Massachusets or Kansas - places with far more severe winters than WV.

Oh, how we love to needlessly overcomplicate these things. For yard birds and brown eggs in WV, any plain old "regular" brown-egg breed will suffice nicely.

Also, by using one of these standard breeds, you will need only the most basic of rearing plans. And you won't face the daunting task of finding "exotic" (expensive) breeds like Norwegian Jaegerhornenhoosen-thingies.

Here're are just a few good old breeds to consider:

Barred Rocks,
New Hampshire Reds...

Take a peek at this website for more information on these and other "brownies" -
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