Goose egg laying question


14 Years
Jul 20, 2008
Central, Fl.
Anyone know if this statement is accurate, I know nothing about geese and would love to know if this is a valid concern

: Take this for what its worth but our geese started laying too. They are white enbdems I didnt know fwhat to do eithr. I asked a friend of ours who runs a goose rescue farm and also raises his own what to do. He said that fwe should discourage them from becoming broody and to not incubate the eggs. He says the offspring will be inferior and defective. They are doing this because of the light change and wil stop if discouraged. We took the nest and eggs away each day and they stopped aafter a week or so. Just my opinion but its something to think about :
Geese aren't supposed to lay at this time of year, but funky weather can make them start. I see absolutely no reason why these eggs would be inferior. Since geese start laying in February when it is still extremely cold they can probably incubate eggs throughout October without an issue. I wouldn't let them raise the goslings, though. After they hatch just hand rear them yourself and put them out with the others when they're feathered out enough to deal with the cold (bare minimum four weeks, probably closer to 8-12).

If you really don't want goslings this time of year, you have two options available. Either collect the eggs and enjoy some fine eating out of season, or shake each egg vigorously and set it back down in the nest. Once the weather becomes bad you can shoo her away and throw away the eggs.

Geese won't stop laying because their eggs are taken away, which is why some conservation officials shake the eggs and set them back in the nest in areas where Canada geese numbers are out of control. They will only stop laying when they are sitting on a nest or when it dawns on them that this is the wrong time of year.

Personally, I wouldn't mind encouraging geese to lay throughout the year. I'd go crazy trying to get out of season eggs to hatch out in the hopes that the offspring are just as interested in laying when the light is decent, but not perfect.
Thank You! I am in Fl and the eggs in question are in Ga. and I just couldn't see why there should be such a problem..
Snowflake, my 7 yr old Embden started laying an egg every other day the last week of Sept as soon as I removed the ducks from their shared barn/pen and hasn't stopped but has not tried sitting on the nest. I go and collect the egg and boy are they good eating! I don't have a male or at least if I do have an Am Buff male aka gander, he's not old enough to fertilize eggs as my 4 American Buffs are only 5 months old.

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