Anyone know if this statement is accurate, I know nothing about geese and would love to know if this is a valid concern
: Take this for what its worth but our geese started laying too. They are white enbdems I didnt know fwhat to do eithr. I asked a friend of ours who runs a goose rescue farm and also raises his own what to do. He said that fwe should discourage them from becoming broody and to not incubate the eggs. He says the offspring will be inferior and defective. They are doing this because of the light change and wil stop if discouraged. We took the nest and eggs away each day and they stopped aafter a week or so. Just my opinion but its something to think about :
: Take this for what its worth but our geese started laying too. They are white enbdems I didnt know fwhat to do eithr. I asked a friend of ours who runs a goose rescue farm and also raises his own what to do. He said that fwe should discourage them from becoming broody and to not incubate the eggs. He says the offspring will be inferior and defective. They are doing this because of the light change and wil stop if discouraged. We took the nest and eggs away each day and they stopped aafter a week or so. Just my opinion but its something to think about :