Gosling bill color question


10 Years
Jan 28, 2009
northern Michigan
Does the color of goslings' bills have anything to do with their sex or their breed? I have two toulouse goslings with pink bills. They were bought from the feed store and were straight run. I just assumed all toulouse were this color, but I've seen pictures of others with dark bills. I've read other threads about bill color and now I'm not sure what it really means. Thanks for any help!
Bill color doesn't change with gender. Each breed Does have a desired adult bill color if you are going to show them. Minor variation is fairly common 'in run of the mill geese'. bill color does change with age in some breeds. I know this wasn't much help but I have not raised Toulouse geese.
That's OK, thanks for responding goosedragon. All of the goslings at the feed store had the pink bills so I assumed they should all be that way. Then when I saw pictures of others with the darker bills, I got confused.

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