Got 3 new Call Ducks !!!!! ** Pics Added** Help on Color??


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
Today I went to the 33rd annual Delmarva Poultry show! It was a blast!! BUT I fell in love with the call ducks, and bought 3 for 20! They are so cute! I haven't gotten any pictures yet, we got back and it was almost dark.

The bad part is, I set them up in their pen and on my out, one slipped past me and flew over to a nearby pond. I can't get her to come back
I really hope she hears the other 2 calling and comes back!

The lady who sold them to me said they aren't the best flyers, but this little lady had no problem!
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My little male mallard heard her over there, waddled on over, but he didn't come back with her. I am hoping she will come back with everyone tomorrow
No, the little female didn't come back today, I am very upset
. In all reality, I should have done my research first, but it is what it is now and I have to do the best I can for them!

The other 2 are settled in nicely and really enjoyed their bath today! Tonight they even came right over to me

I will post pictures in a few minutes, I have to load up the pics!
Here are the male and female that are here...the lost one didn't even give me a chance to get a pic before she made the mad dash and flew the coop!

What color are they? Are they the Blue? That is the only thing that looks similar! (judging off of feathersite pics)




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Hello! I also bought a couple calls! A pair of white from the one guy on the end and a pastel drake the next aisle over. Did you buy them from the guy the second aisle over? I can't remember his name off the top of my head--I bought from him last year. I think these might be mixed because calls beaks should be short and compact. These ducks, while very pretty, I believe are mixed with a call. He owns hundreds of ducks as well as a ton of different breeds and all of his free range, so they have probably cross mated with another breed.

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