Got a surprise bantam mama and babies


6 Years
Jul 22, 2013
Ideas on what she is?

This is mama, she has 4 babies (one roo is sticking his head up in the back) Will not be able to get a pic of babies (2 are for sure roos) for a few days as they are so upset about their new home.
She looks almost exactly like a partridge cochin but her legs don't have feathers. Could she have lost her feathers for some reason?

Back info: I have no info on these chickens. I took them from the last owner only a few hours ago because they could no longer care for them. That owner only had them a month and also had no info before buying.
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Hard to say from the pic. She isn't in a normal stance - she could be quite slender but just look fluffy. Can't really tell what the chicks are either.

She's some kind of partridge chicken but can't really tell from the photo what kind.. She could be a Wyandotte, wrong comb but sometimes they get single combs.. Is she a bantam?

Edit: hahah I just reread your title.

Really no idea. She looks too foofy to be a game bird, but without leg feathers not sure what else she could be.
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I would not call her fluffy, in the above picture she has 4 large babies trying to get under her lol The babies are 2 roos and 2 pullets, the roos are identical and the pullets are identical except one of the pullets barely has leg feathers and all the others do. The mama has a few tiny feathers on one leg. I'm kinda wondering if maybe she has leg mites and thats caused feather loss but I can't find any information about that at all

She also has large spurs which are freaking me out. She's already not friendly and if I'm going to have to treat her for mites I don't know what the heck I'm going to do

I got a few more pictures but again, can't get too close to her. The first is from the front, the 2nd you can see her body and legs, and the 3rd shows her tail, which I think looks like some tail feathers have been pulled out. The owner said she did lose a chick just a few days ago, maybe she attempted to fight off the predator? The old owners and I are neighbors and we had a stray cat running around a few days ago.

I'm thinking that she's a mix. Might have some Partridge Rock in her or Black Sex-Link, but I'm not sure.

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