Got Ducks??


11 Years
Oct 7, 2008
travelers rest, sc
Hello! I am very new to this kinda stuff- online forums. I have a pond in my front yard and I LOVE Ducks especially the White Pekins. Anyhow this Sunday I lost one of them to a intertwined root next to the island and sadley he passed away. So I was wondering if anyone has any duck for free or at a reasonable price? MY other white pekin she is so sad and pitaful. She stays only to one side of the pond and doesn't swim like she use to with her buddy. If any one could help, that would be awesome!! Live in Greenville, SC near Travelers Rest.

That being said--have you checked with a duck rescue organization--often they have mature ducks for free to a good home...

Sorry about your Pekin had lots and are in NC-- but if you want some Mallards-- just drive on over to the BIG city of Dacusville with some boxes and I will load you up!have few runner/mallard mixes too- PLEASE come get some ducks!
Sorry, I don't have any ducks. Wish that I could help you!
Thanks fo the info.! Haven't been able to get on computer went down, had to fix the oor thang.
Anyway- I would Love to have some Mallard ducks if the offer is still on the table. I will talk to the Hubby about it.
I got 2 male Pekins to go with Sassy and she is in Heaven!!

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