Got Goose eggs today. WIll they last?


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey everybody I am currently visiting relatives in texas and we went to a flea market today. While I was at the flea market I bought some white chinese eggs. I leave texas next sunday. If I got them today and I leave next sunday, will they still be viable to hatch? it will be 8 days they would have to be stored.
You could always try! I had to collect 14 eggs to set in my incubator and I think I waited about a week before putting them in. I have 12 developing and tomorrow is day 14. The two died very early in incubation, but are still in there because I have no reason to take them out yet. Good luck!
It depends on how old the eggs were when you bought them. If they were only 1-2 days old you will be pushing it, but you should be OK.

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