Got my baby meat chicks - I'm SO sad...


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
My babies came this morning. They were shipped out Tuesday evening from PA. I should've expected some death, as I am in LA, but I have never gotten a dead chick from years of ordering. However, today changed all that.

I picked up my little guys from the PO, came home and opened up the box. I could see that one was separated from the others and near death. We pulled him out and started with warm sugar water immediately (he's hanging in there, but weak). I went to the brooder with the rest and, as I pulled them out one by one to dip their beaks, I found several more really weak ones. But under the pile was the worst - 3 smashed, dead babies - HORRIBLE!!

I took the weak ones back inside. There are 7 that just weren't keeping up with the rest and I was really worried they'd get trampled. Of those 7, one won't make it, one is VERY iffy, 3 are just iffy, and 2 should be fine once they get a little more mobility. I'm giving them warm sugar water every 30 minutes or so.

There are 22 left in the brooder that seem like they will be okay. I have to leave for work (of course, today is the ONLY day I work more than 3 hours), but have them at my Mom's so she can keep giving them their water.

I am SO sad, but hoping I can save the little boogers (although it seems pretty horrible to save them now only to eat them later).
Awww, Stacey, I'm so sorry you've had a rough morning. I hope your little weak ones make it.
And it's not horrible to save them now just to eat them later....the important thing is that they will have a good, happy life as long as they are in your care. And then they will serve their purpose.
I am so sorry to hear about your traumatic ordeal.
I do have a question though, isn't there a hatchery any closer to you than PA??

I ordered my chicks through my local feed store, they picked them up yesterday morning after only one day shipping and I had them home by 8:30 am and was pumping gro gel and quik chik to them.

I did lose one last night but one could be expected. Oh, I did have 50 RIR and 6 banties. I lost one RIR.

I know there must be some feed stores in LA. Well, I would think so, maybe on the edge of town. Sorry, never been to California, so I can only guess.

Anyway, sorry for your losses, just want you to know.

FYI... If you're in LA, everything is slow getting there. I ordered once from McMurray when I lived there and they sent me chicks THREE times to replace the first order, and I still ended up with only about 10 chicks total after ordering 25 each time.

The problem is overnight orders end up taking 2 days and the chicks just can't take it. So I gave up and just ordered a book from them with my credit.
There are closer hatcheries, but I wanted this specific meat chicken and not cornish crosses. I've gotten chicks from Meyers, Murray and Ideal and have never had a dead chick in the box upon arrival. I knew this was a stretch, and I'm so sad. I just hate for anything to suffer.

Anyway, an update - I lost one more (the one I knew I would). One that was pretty rough is hanging in there. 2 moved to the big boy brooder cuz they were jumping out of the box. 3 more are still a bit wobbly but I think they'll pull through.

Overall, I think they must be some pretty tough little guys considering what they've been through. They are VERY cute. I hope they get really ugly fast!

Added: Oh, and I AM in Louisiana. My feed stores just don't carry any meat chicks. I can order through them, but like I said, I wanted this particular type because they are supposed to free-range.
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I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I've had similar experiences two weeks in a row now and I know how hard it is.

For the ones who seem to be able to drink okay, try a little starter feed mixed with water to an oatmeal consistency. Let them eat it if they can eat on their own or put a little on the end of their beak. Hopefully, that will help strengthen them.
Just got in and checked the brooder - 3 more dead and 3 more looking pretty weak. I brought the 3 weak ones back in. Lost the one that was barely hanging on earlier too for a total of 8 losses so far. This is VERY depressing. I have a couple more that I just don't know about.

I have NEVER lost chicks before. This is horrible! Do the meat birds just tend to be less thrifty in general? Dumber? Several of mine seem that they have just been trampled to death and they aren't all huddled up in the brooder so I know they must be warm enough.

IDK. I am just having a really hard time with this.

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