Got My First Marans Egg Today


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
Modoc, SC
I added a pair of young BCM pullets to my flock memorial day weekend and at long last I got my first Marans egg today!!! It has got to be the most beautiful egg I have ever seen. Dark dark brown with speckles all over. Can't wait till tomorrow. What kind of laying rate can I expect? Also, I was told that these first eggs would likely be double yolked, is there any truth to that? These are the first birds I have ever had from adolescence. All others were adults when I got them.
No experience with marans, but yes some of my young hens have layed double yolkers at first.
Congrats on that first eggs, I hope it is a double for you!

Can't wait for my little marans girl to lay one, but it will be quite a while
Congrats....... I can hardly wait for mine:ya I still have 3 months left to wait:( How old was your girl when she gave you that Beautiful egg? do you have a roo to go with your hens? I have one, the roo is a A giant... I didnt know they would get that tall.... What i've read is that we should get 3 a week
. Not the number I was looking for, but oh well I'm happy just to have them. Let me know how many you start getting. Congrats again:thumbsup
My. Roo is a Buff Orp. And I also have a mixed roo (RIR and BO I think). If your roo is a BCM I know he must be beautiful. In my opinion BCM roos and dark leghorn roos are among the prettiest out there

To repeat Frybabies question. How old was your girl when she stated to lay. My girls are 23 weeks today and still nothing. My cockoo marans started at 22 weeks so I was hoping for an egg by now. Congratulations, by the way. I hope my girl's eggs are as dark as yours, but right now I just want an egg:pop.

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