Got my order from Metzer today!


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Upstate NY
I ordered a pair of buff goslings, 6 runners, a cayuga female and a buff female. These are my first goslings. Anyway, I put them in the brooder and they start going crazy in their waterer. Not surprising. So a few of the ducklings got themselves sooo wet, and I see the female gosling picking at them. I thought she was being mean, but then it looked like she was just trying to clean them.... Is this normal? I don't want her to hurt the little guys!
So cute!
I ordered 10 ducks and 2 geese from Metzer Farms in March. Now they are the size of my adult ducks! They grow WAY too fast.
As far as the little goose goes I am not sure, I would just keep an eye on them. Good luck, and have fun with ur babies!
My goslings clean my ducklings all the time. I think its so darn cute. Just watch to make sure they're not being too rough but I think they'll be fine. Good luck!

I went over to another BYC member's place earlier this week to pick up some Call ducklings, and her geese were cleaning her sheep!

I think I might just have to add some geese to the flock next year!

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