Got our 1st egg! When should other chickens start laying?


6 Years
May 6, 2013
We just found our first egg the other day, and we think the same chicken has laid the other two that we have since found. My question is now that one is laying should the others start laying soon? We have two barred rock and two Rhode Island Reds. They all are the same age, 17 weeks. This is our first experience with chickens, so we probably have a lot of silly questions. :idunno
Congrats on the first egg! The others may or may not start as soon as the one that started has.
It really depends on the chicken, but I think that your likely to get more pullets laying soon.
Each bird will begin to lay as her own hormone's set her body in motion for production, which each will do in her own time regardless of who else in the flock is/isn't laying. As they are only 17 weeks of age you can probably expect them all to begin laying sometime in the next 5-11 weeks.

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