Got our first turkey this weekend! Slate-PHOTO


16 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Here he is. He's a slate (?) turkey. Grey/silver and so cool!

I'm worried about his foot, though; he has a ball/growth on his heel on his right foot, but not on the other..

Is the foot possible bumblefoot?

He's gorgeous... might have to think about those for next year!
Bumblefoot? If that's not serious, I'll go with hoping it's that. ;-) He limps on it, though, and it's a good sized round ball on the ball of his foot. Looks like it's been there for a while.

He hasn't puffed his feathers since he's been here....does he have to have a girlfriend around to do that?
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If you do a topic search on bumblefoot, it should come up with some ideas.
Depends on how severe the case is, but I've only heard of it, never dealt with it firsthand.

As for the fluffing, that usually is to impress the ladies.
As far as puffing and strutting, No they don't need a girl friend. But they need something to threaten there dominace or strange noise. Being your only one he most like does have anything to dominate.

From the picture his snood is drawen up so he's pretty relaxed and easy going at the moment. Normally the snood will extend first before they strut.

When you just have males, or mixed males and females they will also do it. As they do have a pecking order they have to establish and mantain.

The bump may not be anything to worry about, he looks old enough that it should not get any worse. You do need to keep an eye on it is case it gets bigger, that might indicate that it is something foreign and infected.

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