got our new peafowl any guesses on sex?


9 Years
Jun 8, 2010
he said they are blue india or black shoulders not sure 2 cocks in pen.if you have any guesses on sex let me know.debbie loves them she spent her 60 bucks from her report card money for them.the guy even gave her 2 free chicks he was real nice.




one is a little bigger an has a little brown on flight wings if you lock close. we will post picks as the grow.
Blackshoulders is the pattern, have to wait till they grow for sexing. BS come in many colors , my guess those are blues. Most common.
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yes he said they are blue's they are very loud but very cute i hope they are black shoulder makes the blue stand out better i think.
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Oh they are for sure blackshoulders. 100 % sure of that. They will get darker as they age, male will look like a blue except with blackshoulders.

Now a purple BS would have brown shoulders, reason some are starting to call BS solid wing.

Opal BS have silver shoulders......and so on
Maybe I'm just too new at this, but these chicks are white- they will change colors to be IB? I guess I'm thinking a white peachcik stays white like chickens. Please correct me?
White Peafowl will have white (yellow) chicks and they will stay white, (Pure with no split > Black Shoulder Peafowl will have White (yellow) peachicks the older they get then the male will start to change colors and the hen will be a dirty White with black spots, some one needs to post some pictures of the (Blue) Black Shoulders.
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BS peachick are white with cream color flight feathers. When they hatch. Whites will be all white even the flight feathers.
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thanks for the help everyone debbie is super excited about having peafowl i set a chair up in the coop an she cuddles with her peachicks haha thanks for the pick cherokee debbie was wondering what the female looked like an i could not find a real good pic thanks.
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