Got Some new pics of the flock!


13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
Central California

I havent really gotten new pics since I downsized. Now I just have a couple pens, and as you can tell from the pics, its mostly Naked Necks! Also, my Marans decided to start laying again so I got a pic of her egg in with my NN eggs!

Can you tell which one it is??


One of the girls showing me how to use a nest!



See, lots of naked necks!



Bear the Ameraucana and Christine the NN!


Next time I'll have to get pics of the bantam NNs!
Oh Jordan! You must tell me what made you decide to downsize so much and keep THOSE?

That blue Ameraucana is gorgeous!
LOL, Silkie! Once you get one, you will wonder why the heck you waited so long! They are the coolest chickens around. Thanks! He's a White Rock that I tried to sell, no one wanted him,lol.

Thanks, Cyn! I did, I got rid of 31 birds!! Its so nice to just have a couple pens to feed now.

LOL, Cindy! I LOVE my NNs! They are the best birds I've ever had. They have awesome personalities and are amazing layers. You noticed that Blue Amer did ya? She lays a pretty blue egg too!
I dont have NN - DH says they are ugly ( he dont like silkies either lol )
but I do have a dumb question do they get sunburns with all that skin showing?

How would one know?!
They look sunburned, anyway! I thought it was amazing with my friends NN that depending on her mood, her skin would change color, red, blue, purplish, etc. if she got stressed, upset, etc. REALLY interesting. hehe

Jordan, *sigh* yes. Beautiful! My hens are on 14 blue, black and splash Am' eggs from dipsy doodle and I haven't dared candle (because I need my fingers in my line of work
), but am so excited and hoping they do well. Think I'm going to be getting some more, to. hehe
Julie, I really dont know! I live in CA, so we get plenty of sun, but they are red all year, so I really dont think so,lol.

Cindy, I hope you get a good hatch! That hen, pullet actually, came straight from Lisa Cree as a chick. Unfortunately, she has no beard! But she's just a layer, so its fine with me.

Thanks, Madison! You definitely need one, they are great birds!

Thaaaaaanks, Julie! I knew you would love them!

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