Got the meaties, now more questions.


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
Okay, we got 4 week old Cornish Rock Broilers. Here are some questions.

1. Do we feed them 24/7 or just 12 hours a day? What happens when you do the 12 hours vs. the 24/7?

2. Can they get that cocci. illness? If so, can we still eat it or do I have to treat them first? Will the processor know if they are sick?

3. I am feeding them the layer crumbles with 20% protein is that right?

4. If they do break legs can we still eat them?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as today was the first whole day with them and boy do they really eat, drink and poo. Anyway, thank you all for your help!
whether to feed them 24 hrs or just during the day probably also depends somewhat on how much room you're giving them and how much encouragement they ahve to get up and move around and exercise.


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