GQF Electronic Thermostat from Double R Supply won't shut off.

Red Fan

12 Years
Dec 4, 2007
I bought an electronic thermostat from Double R Supply back in November. I built my own incubator and I'm finally ready to start hatching some eggs. I tried to warm up the incubator. When I checked it this morning it was 120 deg. F. I double checked the wiring and it's just like the directions say. It's only supposed to work from 92 to 105. Anyone out there have a "I had that happen, all you gotta do is..." story? It's Saturday so I can't reach Double R and I've got 10 eggs aging. Help!
I recently purchased a thermostat from GQF. I recieved a letter from GQF yesterday that says that a few of the thermostats that were shipped had a wrong piece in them and would only regulate between 100 and 120 degrees. You might want to call them and see if yours is one of that bunch. Mine is working fine.
Double R Supply is open today. I live right down the street from them and know the owners very well. They are a regular retail store. Its 5:30 here now and Im not sure when they close for the weekend. Call them and let them know your problems with the bator. They should be more then happy to help you out.

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