"GRAPHIC PIC" - Prolapse????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
Well, this evening when I went to go check on my chickens, I noticed our beloved Dorothy was laying down and not moving. Didnt take long to realize she was dead. Dorothy was a great layer and had a wonderful personality. But I have no idea what happened. About 1 month ago her eggs became so soft we could hardly remove them from the nesting box without them cracking. So I bought some oystell shell, hoping that would solve the issue. Then about 7-10 days ago she stopped laying altogether. Today, she's dead, and has, what looks like an intestine, hanging out of her vent. Can someone help diagnose what happened to her?

Are you sure some predator didn't kill her and start to eat her?

Hard to tell in the picture, but looks like more damage above the intestinal area, like something was eating her.

I'm sorry for you loss.

"soft eggs" will occasional occur but when it is chronic then this is very serious indeed (many things can be the cause including an incorect ratio of phos/calcium to each other ) and you can expect laying difficulties (egg getting stuck, prolapse etc.). A guess would be that the egg broke inside and she died from sepsis from that...

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