Grass/Dirt clumps in the brooder?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 10, 2012
My chicks are 6 days old and inside in the brooder. I was wondering if it's okay to get clumps of grass/dirt from my backyard and toss it into the brooder.

The chicks are on a chick starter diet. Will they need grit?

Go ahead and give it to them but if the dirt dosn't have chick grit sized rocks then I would also give grit. Clean dirt ( no chicken poo) is probiotic and a source of trace minerals.
It'll be fine! I actually used grass clippings as bedding once for the chicks. They'll probably enjoy it if there are bugs in the dirt, and might start dusbathing. :lol:

You don't need grit unless the chicks are getting treats aside from their starter feed :)
Do bugs and grass count as treats? I am not feeding them grit...

I added some clover/grass and there was bugs and dirt. They enjoyed grazing on it and catching the bugs. I don't know if they need grit for this or not?
There is no reason to delay giving grit. It is a natural part of the chicks digestive system and it dosn't even have to be store bought. And yes grass can cause crop impaction.
Definitely give them a clump of dirt with grass and everything - it will keep them from getting pasty butt!!

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