Great flock gaurdian story

Awesome. Thanks for sharing that. A picture does say a 1000 words, does it not?
My GP/Lab mix does the same thing...will literally jump up in the air to try to get at any low flying hawk, crow or buzzard. Her bark is amazingly deep and menacing for such a sweet dog!
I get to skip the Steps #1 & #5...I don't bother to close the pop door or anything. The dogs sleep within 10 ft. of the door and are on patrol all night. You are sooooo right...makes chicken raisin' easy!
My GSD Rex does that many times a day. He was inside today because roofers were here fixing damage from Gustav and he started barking and carrying on and running back and forth past glass wall in sunroom. I had to let him out and off he took, running, jumping barking and carrying on. The guys said "what's wrong with him?" I said "he's chasing that hawk." They said "Wow, look at him go....but that's a buzzard." I said "Yeah, but don't tell him that, they look the same and they get the same treatment."

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