Green area on beak


May 12, 2015
I searched this earlier but what I found....well, I'm not sure, so I wanted to make a new post. I'm very worried about my little Pekin duckling....Ducky. Yes, so Ducky developed, over the morning, a green raised area on her bill. Its not an extreme color, just noticible especially due to it's raised nature. I'm very worried about it, she's about six weeks old I'm guessing, no more than a week when we bought her and Momo and we've had her since April 7th. Is she missing something from her diet? Is it an infection? Her diet consists of some berries on occasion (usually blueberries, strawberries sometimes in very small pieces) and she is on a manapro chick starter still, and she gets lettuce when she feels like it, plenty of water.
A picture just to display its slight discoloration and how its a bit raised
I see what looks like a minor abrasion on her bill - lower right on the photo.

It is possible she has an infection - a good duck vet would be best to confirm, but you can start by putting a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a gallon of drinking water. You can also dab a tiny bit of topical antibiotic ointment on the end of the bill - will need to be done several times a day. (you know that you can use the ointment that does not have painkiller, right? Painkillers - certain ones - can be toxic to waterfowl).

Another possibility - was she stung or bitten?
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I inspected the area and it appears to be the remains of a blackberry she stole while I was cutting up some fruit lol, not an abraison but as far as wounds she seemed to have none, no bites or stings that I saw. I will try the apple cider vinegar at the very least and go from there I suppose?
I often have to do that - try something, see how it goes. If it is an allergic reaction, then benadryl cream would be the better choice, by the way. Tiny, tiny dab (again, a vet can give the best most detailed info). I used benedryl on my duck's foot when she got stung - checked with a vet first, they said it was okay but not to use much. And Zwei was an adult at the time.

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