Green Feet??? Trying to figure out what my little guys are!!


6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
I have posted here before with my little guys, there a little older now. Hoping we can figure it out.


this little girl has green feet?? Is that normal?


Some green on the feet

this one has yellow feet

These are from the red pullet bin.... are they big enough to figure out what they are, i think they are just red-sex links


And last but not least

thanks so much any input would be wonderful!!!!!
yeah, I'm new to the chicken raising thing, this is my first batch of chicks! I got them from the pullet bins at tsc (the red were from the red pullet bin, and the white i think were in a bin that was labeled Amber something...I dont remember) And when i went back to ask them it was a differnt person working and the sign was gone!!!
There is nothing wrong with them having green feet, some breeds do from what I understand. I am only on my second set of chicks but your 4, 5 and 6 look like my golden comets or red sex-links. Great layers!
Your red pullets are definitely red sex links.

the one you call Amber-something is a DeKalb Amberlink.

The ones with green feet may be Easter Eggers. Do they have fluffy cheeks?
The three on the top all came from the same bin, I'm guessing they are Amber links. The ones with the green feet don't look much different with there amount of feathers. There just as puffy at the others!'n

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