Green spots on turkey head


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 27, 2011
I found one of our Bourbon Red toms (28 wks old) lying down in a corner of the pen this morning. Noticed some green spots on his pale head, which I have never seen before in either heritage or broad breasted turkeys we've had, so thought I'd ask for advice here.
The boy is not feeling good, and I'm afraid he is going downhill fast. I couldn't find ANYTHING doing a google search, so am totally helpless in what I could possibly do for him.
Does anybody here have any idea what this could be, and what I can do to try to help him?

Marita in western Montana
Get him isolated and warm for starters. Then see if another turkey may have took a poop on his head. Then look him over real well for any other signs of illness, especially the face and nostrils. Also if you can listen to his chest and see if he is raspy when he breathes.
No, this is definitely not poop, and he doesn't have any obvious signs of illness, other than just lying around looking pitiful. Someone on a Yahoo Group I'm on suggested that it may be bruises from someone else beating him up, which seems to be a logical explanation, IF there is no disease that causes green spots on the head. We really don't have the facilities to separate him, other than putting a piece of fencing in a corner in the pen, which we will probably do for the night. I'll put a saw horse in there, that way he can roost if he wants to.
Thanks for your response.

Marita in western Montana

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