My family started keeping chickens about six months ago (???) when our landlord gave us her flock of 5 because she was traveling too much. That group included one barred rock hen, 3 white hens that I would guess to be white rocks, and one young barred rock cockeral (unknown to us at the time). When he first started crowing, I did everything I could to imagine a logical reason why a hen would make that kind of a sound. LOL! To my oldest son's heartbreak, we found him a new home with a 4-H family on acreage where he could roam around crowing to his heart's content.
We have since added a Rhode Island red pullet who is now laying, three white leghorns who should start laying for us in the next month or so, an americauna chick that is being nursed back to health after our German shepherd stepped on her, and five adorable baby silkies (white, black, blue, partridge and splash) that we'll hopefully show in next year's county fair.
Nobody warned me how addicting chickens can be!! I've been a member on here for a little while, but I'm hoping to be more active. I look forward to learning and sharing within this chicken community!
My family started keeping chickens about six months ago (???) when our landlord gave us her flock of 5 because she was traveling too much. That group included one barred rock hen, 3 white hens that I would guess to be white rocks, and one young barred rock cockeral (unknown to us at the time). When he first started crowing, I did everything I could to imagine a logical reason why a hen would make that kind of a sound. LOL! To my oldest son's heartbreak, we found him a new home with a 4-H family on acreage where he could roam around crowing to his heart's content.
We have since added a Rhode Island red pullet who is now laying, three white leghorns who should start laying for us in the next month or so, an americauna chick that is being nursed back to health after our German shepherd stepped on her, and five adorable baby silkies (white, black, blue, partridge and splash) that we'll hopefully show in next year's county fair.
Nobody warned me how addicting chickens can be!! I've been a member on here for a little while, but I'm hoping to be more active. I look forward to learning and sharing within this chicken community!
