greetings from the blue ridge mountains!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 17, 2012
frederick county, virginia
in all honesty, i don't know why they're called blue, or where the ridge is. i was raised in san diego, joined the navy, married a corn-fed midwestern boy and ended up in rural northern virginia.
it's like being in another dimension! instead of seeing into my neighbor's houses from inside mine, i can't even SEE the houses from the yard!

i live on 5 +/- acres next to an unoccupied 30ish acres, across from 25ish acres. we've got cats, dogs, rabbits, only 1 "actual" child, and i've had my very first chicken, a stray (?), for less than 2 months. do chickens wander off of their yards and get lost? do they get dumped like house cats? i have no idea, but she refuses to leave, even when the terrier pup chases her around the yard. i almost think she likes the attention! she seems to think she's a cat, but it's probably just because there are so many of them!
i home school my 14 yr old son, read almost everything i can, take care of a terrier mutt puppy, a 14 yr old blind and deaf rescued beagle, 11 yr old rescue apbt, and 8 various cats.
my husband retired from the navy after 20 years, but not the work force, which is how we ended up here. he works in the d.c. metro area, and i DON'T!

the biggest problem with being married to my farmboy, is that he keeps trying to talk me into getting cute, cuddly baby animals so we can raise them and then...kill 'em and eat 'em! after more than 14 years together, i'm thinking that i might be able to eat home "grown" eggs. imagine my surprise when the chicken came to me! i guess i should take it as a sign...
nic staib

They're called "Blue" because - when you view the mountain range from a distance - it appears blue in color. And they're the eastern-most "ridge" of mountains that make up the Appalachian chain. The Blue Ridge portion extends from Georgia to Pennsylvania.

Saw you were in rural Northern Virginia and I'm pea-green with envy! My family has lived in that region for generations and I was raised there. I'm still relatively close but I have to view home as that "Blue Ridge" from a distance. Luckily, still close enough to get home in short order!

Glad you made it to the country and enjoy your time on BYC. It's a GREAT spot!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Greetings from Kansas, nstaib, and
! Happy you joined our community! Best of luck if you decide to take the plunge and start collecting critters. The farm fresh eggs will be well worth it!

The Blue Ridge Mountains are absolutely beautiful! Would love to be there, well maybe not in the winter.
Welcome to BYC from Kentucky.

They call it "Blue Ridge" because of the bluish color that is seen from a distance. It is caused from the isoprene in the trees that is released into the air. My Cherokee relatives have lived in those mountains for a very, very long time.

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