Grey Spots


Feather Fluffer
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
One of my White Rocks has some grey spots on her legs. Not her feet or toes, just her legs. They appeared, to my knowledge, just after her very first encounter with snow. She isn't limping or anything, and she is hanging out with the flock like she normally does. Could it be frostbite, or something else?
Could you include some pictures?
It is dark and she is sleeping now, but I can tomorrow. I'll try to describe it. They are small spots, maybe a half inch, if even that wide. The area seems to be slightly raised, too, though I could be mistaken.
One of my White Rocks has some grey spots on her legs. Not her feet or toes, just her legs. They appeared, to my knowledge, just after her very first encounter with snow. She isn't limping or anything, and she is hanging out with the flock like she normally does. Could it be frostbite, or something else?
It is dark and she is sleeping now, but I can tomorrow. I'll try to describe it. They are small spots, maybe a half inch, if even that wide. The area seems to be slightly raised, too, though I could be mistaken.

Welcome To BYC :welcome

If you can post some photos of you hen's legs that would be very helpful.
Here's a guide on how to upload the photos❅-posting-pictures-using-the-upload-a-file-button-❅.1212519/

Without photos it would just be speculation on our part - I will wait, I would hate to take a guess:pop
If it is, are they contagious? How can I treat it? Is there a way to confirm that's what it is?
Yes, contagious. You can treat by smothering her legs with Vaseline for about 6 months.
You can look to see of scales on her legs are flaking off or of there are visible mites under the scales.
Permethrin spray or dust can prevent the spread.
They get the mites either from other chickens or wild birds.

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