Crossing the Road
I have a challenging one here! I bought 10 chicks from a breeder and she had her pure bred Orpington chicks in with her accidental mixed breed hatch (escaped hen went and got herself knocked up by 3-4 Roos while she was on vacation!). Because so many of them are similar coloring as babies, she said she wasn’t sure if this specific chick was one of the mixed chicks or I will get lucky and it’s one of her pure Orpingtons—I got them for $5/each cuz she won’t keep mixed breeds. Any guesses on what color and type of chicken s/he is? Her lines include Chocolate Orps, Mauve Orps, Splash Chocolate and Splash Mauve Orps, Frizzle and non-frizzle LF BBS Cochins, Black, Blue, Chocolate, mauve and splash marans, BBS Isbars, and Langshans. I know s/he is splash…but not sure on breed or color haha. Do any Orps have slate legs and yellow feet and yellow beaks?