guess what happened today


10 Years
Mar 24, 2009
Fort Wayne
I was building an outside coop for my six week old lavender orpingtons and black americanas when my old neighbor who has a landscape company and now lives in town stopped out and had this little chick in a box it is about 3 or 4 weeks old, she said they were doing a job down town by a bar called the munchie emporium and they say this little thing running around and she said some one called the animal control and when they came to see what was going on they said they would take the chick and "put it down", well my ex neighbor said that wouldn't do and brought the little girl out to me, I put her with the orphingtons and americanas and the all took to her right away and welcomed her right into the flock, so she got to be one of the first chicks in the brooder/tractor and she seems as happy as a clam. The reason I am putting this post here is the chickens are not legal in the city limits and I think she was hidden probably with more chicks and made her escape hoping to find a home in the country, so it was he lucky day lol, I think she is a red sex link of some kind
YEA for the baby! GOOD for you!!
thank you all so much, and the little girl is happy and healthy, she loves the new coop and her adopted clutchmates
This just warms my heart!! Good job and what a good rep you must have if an old neighbor knew who to bring a baby chick too!!
<-- two thumbs up from me!!

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