Guess What? Peeping Eggs! UPDATE! 12 CHICKS!


12 Years
Mar 10, 2011
Northeast Pennsylvania
I know, you've seen that topic title at least a million times, right?

You have no idea how happy I am right now! This is my second attempt to hatch eggs. My first was 56 eggs in a LG still air and not one hatched. This time I have 16+ eggs under my two broody Silkies. I say 16+ because I know 15 are bantam Cochins and one is an Ameraucana from my hen I got bought from Peachick. There are a few others in there that I did not put under them, but are the girls' own contribution (could be Silkie x Orp, Silkie Australorp or Silkie). Today is day 21 for my Ameraucana egg and day 20 for the rest. I had thought the hatch was doomed since the girls left the nest for 5-6hrs the one day and Vittles left Pearl with the whole nest and broke her brood for two days before she went back to sitting. There were to many eggs for Pearl to handle alone and a handful weren't covered for a few hours until I stacked them under her.

So, this is actually my first hatch and hearing those peeps were the best thing I've heard since I got my first chicks back in March!

Only a little while longer... I can't wait to see my new babies!
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The first chick is out and almost dry! It's one of the girl's sneaky contributions... A white Silkie! At this point, I am so freaking happy, I don't rightly care!
I have another one I can hear pipping, too!
My first was 56 eggs in a LG still air and not one hatched.

I hear LG's are causes of egg mortality... try other kinds, like Brinsea (i think thats a chick-u-bator) or a HovaBator (my tru love
I hear LG's are causes of egg mortality... try other kinds, like Brinsea (i think thats a chick-u-bator) or a HovaBator

It wasn't the incubator's fault. I lost power for over 5hrs on one day and then had a few spikes of 104 during our July heat wave.
I threw them out on day 25. Although I just read that as long as there was veins around the air sac, they were alive. I threw them out and they were very much alive if that's true.
I have four chicks hatched and one with a dime sized pip!
Two are Mille Fleur/Calico bantam Cochins, a yellow bantam Cochin that I am not sure of... It's either a Calico or Buff Columbian. And, of course, the Silkie from yesterday!
Did you get yours from Roz/Luckypickens? Mine are! I got 15 eggs from her in Mille/Calico, Mottled, Buff Columbian and Black Split Lav. I set an Ameraucana egg from the hens I bought off of Peachick on the 1st and then my Silkies added their own to the mix... I didn't go back out to bug them... yet. Headed out as soon as I post this...

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