Gunieas laying eggs...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 4, 2009
Currie, NC
Does anyone know much about guinea eggs? I have two pair of guineas they are about 9-10 mos old, we've had them since they were babies. When will they start to lay? Will it be clear which eggs are theirs and which are the chickens? They are pinned together and do not roam w/o supervision. Thanks for any help!
They are a seasonal layer, and thier season is about here, you will be able to tell, thier eggs are smaller than a full sized chicken egg, and will be pointier(is that a real word??) and if you go to crack one, it will be harder than a chicken egg.

left side is a bantam Cochin, center is Guinea, right is Leghorn egg
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Do you make any different accomadations for them to lay, or will they use the chicken nests? I have heard they like "private" space, so I thought about adding some branches or "brush" like material in the corner of the house, but if they don't really need it, I'd rather not add a potential hiding place for mice and such!!
Good luck with your guineas! Mine are very private layers and will even escape from their coop/run to go hide eggsand they even move their nesting spot around on me sometimes if they see me getting eggs. My grandma used to swear by guinea eggs for baking,supposedly made cakes etc. fluffier .I think she used a ratio of something like 2 or 3 guinea eggs to one chicken egg.
I have been told that guineas can smell if you have been in their nest. Quite a few people have told me that you need to use 'something' to take the eggs from the nest. One friend has a plastic spoon taped onto the end of a broom handle, so she doesn't even need to go near the nest.
That's about what happened with us!! I can never have 1 of anything so when I saw guniea chicks at the stock yard I had to have $20.00 worth, which was 8 total!! My husband said why can't you just get a couple, but I wanted to make sure that I could have males and females and the possibility of eggs, well, they killed one themselves, so out of the 7 left, 2 females 5 males!!!

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