Guys! Girls! Everyone! Large expansion just got the green light!!


Let Your Freak Flag Fly
Mar 21, 2020
NW Massachusetts
So I have been keeping chickens for about 3 months and have really jumped in with both feet. I have just joined up with a CSA and got financial backing for a large expansion! I have been selling 3 dz eggs a week from my 9 layers to a CSA and people LOVE the mixed color gmo-free egg basket I provide them. They want at least 12 dozen eegs a week, and they want to start a meat bird program where I raise the birds until point of slaughter!! They love the natural approach on my farm and want to invest. I have just ordered a NEW 10X12 SHED to convert into my dream chicken/rabbit house. That will be for 25ish hens and include a brooder/grow out pen and all new electric fencing to do rotational grazing in quadrants around it. Shed kit arrives within 10 days. Meat birds arriving end of june(starting with 25.) That will free up my current 8x4 coop to pursue any hobby projects I may be interested in. I am so excited right now. I'm freaking out a little. I'm sure I will have a lot of questions in the upcoming months, and wouldn't feel nearly as confident going into this without this community in my corner. Thank you for reading. MUCH EXCITE!!! :bun :yesss:🥳:wee:celebrate:woot
What is a CSA? Exciting! Congrats 🎉
Community Supported Agriculture. Basically people pay up front beginning of the season for weekly food boxes from a farm or group of farms. the farmer much needed capital at crucial times of.the year. I'm providing eggs for a friend of mine's csa, so he will be distributing them in my community. I will also be raising meat birds fore him until point of slaughter, and he will get the ones he gives out slaughtered by a licensed person. CSAs are a great way to connect people to their local food systems and the people providing that food.
Community Supported Agriculture. Basically people pay up front beginning of the season for weekly food boxes from a farm or group of farms. the farmer much needed capital at crucial times of.the year. I'm providing eggs for a friend of mine's csa, so he will be distributing them in my community. I will also be raising meat birds fore him until point of slaughter, and he will get the ones he gives out slaughtered by a licensed person. CSAs are a great way to connect people to their local food systems and the people providing that food.
Thank you 😊 for the explanation! I live in NE Wisconsin and had never heard of a CSA before. Sounds like a neat program!

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