Sooooo our now 14day old ducklings (5 buffs and 3 indian runners) had one of their first real swimming lessons today during cleaning time, I had room temp water in a large tote with a large roosting rock in the center, I put them all in with some greens to munch on while I cleaned the coop....they were having fun, but I think the water may have been to seemed OK but when I put them back into their brooder, some of them started to fall over as if their legs just wouldnt work....some seemed OK and went to preening themselves right away, but a few were seriously just stiff and falling over and I was freaking out! I grabbed towels and warmed them up, one runner had a particularly hard time regaining its balance/strength in her legs....I felt so bad.....went up and had dinner, checked on them after that, they were all fluffed up under the heat lamp resting in their hay. PHEW.
I guess from now on....should I warm the water more than room temp for swimming???? were their legs tired from all the paddleing?
I guess from now on....should I warm the water more than room temp for swimming???? were their legs tired from all the paddleing?