Had anyone successfully had a hen adopt more chicks?

Apr 28, 2021
Has anyone ever successfully had a mother hen who already has chicks a couple of weeks old adopt day old or about that age chicks?

I had a hen quit on her eggs with only 4 days left and are in the incubator. I have a hen who has chicks a few weeks old. Is it possible I could put them under her at night and she accept them after they are hatched?

I know this is not suggested or common but has it ever worked for anyone?
:welcome Most hens imprint on their chicks within the first 24 to 36 hours. After that other chicks are regarded as 'strangers' and competition for resources. Some very mellow hens (cochins or silkies come to mind) have such strong mothering instincts that they will accept additional chicks. The way a hen broods older chicks as compared to newly hatched chicks is quite different and puts newly hatched chicks at risk in such a situation.
I have two mommas right now.... They are not fond of each others chicks. They tolerate them at best and that's because of my rooster. It's been that way since a day or two into their hatches. Those momma hormones kicked in and that was that... SO I understand now why people say 24hrs from first hatched chick
Side note: I will NEVER have to Broody mama's at once again! It's a nightmare. I thought I would be fine... I have brahmas which are normally pretty docile and all have been raise together with zero issues, until now 😔

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