Had to share this - this is HUEY


15 Years
Jul 17, 2008
DC Region

He's a Taco Bull - chihuahua, French bulldog he jumped in our van when we were at the dump and pretty much immediately managed to worm his silly arse into our hearts. And we already had seven dogs. He's so ridiculous I just had to show you all.

Pepper- rescue


Merlin - Titan's father

Uploading failed lol - more later of the wee beast holding his own with the big dogs.
It's that silly grin that won him a place with the people. We were very surprised that his winning ways applied to the big dogs as well. Even Merlin who is 11 and a grumpy ol fart will lay down and play with Huey.

Merlin and Titan are father and son. Here is Huey holding his own with Titan and his sisters, Tango and Pink. He manages just fine with the house pack. And yes, we had one litter and kept four. Long story. Glad to have them any way. The missing one is Dash. I lost him and his mother a month apart last year.
Tanis was my first service dog. God speed, my heart.

Dash was laughter itself.
Oh boy they are super gorgeous, I have always been a German Shepherd lover. But I only have my little "toy" size Yorkshire Terrier Tia Maria who has my heart, ( 6 inches high weighs 4lb)she was a Mother's Day present from my DD four years ago. You are wonderful for taking the rescues in....I applaud you
I remember my GSD I had, she was a beauty! She was not a rescue but a blue blooded champion riddled background. Her happiness reminds me of your GSDs in the pics!

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