Had to take broody away from her chicks! Crying chicks


10 Years
Feb 5, 2009
Platina, Ca.
I had to take my broody hen away from the chicks she hatched out, now the chicks are crying for mom what should I do? I have placed them in the broody box and given them a stuffy to climb under and on but they are still peeping away.
I must add she hatched out 2 guineas, 1 Turkey and 5 Golden Pheasants, one of which she killed. I tryed giving her time hoping she was just being bosy but the strangeness got worse. She was pecking and dragging them around. She does fine at night but once they start to move around she starts her bad ways again. I really love this hen, is this something she is doing because they are not chicken chicks?
In all my years this has never happened.
I had a first-time broody that hatched 3 chicks. But she apparently wanted them to act like eggs, because she kept stuffing them back under her. She was rough with them, and killed 2 of the 3. So I rescued the 3rd.

These were chicken chicks, so I'd say your bird (and mine) have a lot to learn about being good mothers, and not just feathered bators.
Thanks guys I was thinking I was going to lose them with all this crying didnt realize how mush peeping they did when lossing mama hen. We have hatched from a bator and a hen and I have never heard such loud crys. It just is breaking my heart hearing them. My husband is gonna laugh at me when he gets home I have the chicks in the kitchen on the fridge I just know he is gonna tease me about waiting to freeze them till they have more meat
Miss Prissy you where right they have all stopped peeping loudly and have started cuddling and a few re already asleep with the stuffy.
I was so worried about them, all seems to be well now. Thanks guys!
Glad they are doing better. I had to put an older chick in with my orphan to comfort her. Big sister isn't pleased, but doesn't pick on Baby. But in 3 days my last hatch for the season comes out of the incubator (hopefully) and lil orphan Annie can be big sis to the newbies, and big sis can go back to the teen pen.

Broody has been repeatedly kicked off the nest. And will be until she gets the message. She can try again next year, with supervision.

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