Hailing from Ontario, Canada


In the Brooder
Nov 28, 2018
Hi all

New member to BYC...this site was recommended by a fellow chicken-lover.

I have 5 chickens; two Red sex Link, 1 Rhode Island and 2 black silkies...they are a loved part of my family. I have 2 children and a husband. Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters...getting goats in Spring as well.

I run a Nature based learning program from my home.

My question is:
The 3 bigger girls I have, have developed a slight discoloration on their combs this week; white in colour. Doesn’t appear to be frostbite (I believe it turns their flesh more black/purple). We’ve had a few pretty cold days/nights -21 with wind. They have an amazing coop, with a heated roost for the night. Their combs are warm to touch and they don’t seem uncomfortable...any ideas what the white areas could be??

BYC-rainbow-hen 2.png

Glad you decided to join us! Sometimes chicken combs can become paler and drier looking during winter or molting. You can try to protect and moisturize their combs by coating them with vaseline or coconut oil.

It could possibly be the start of a fungal infection, or even the beginning stage of frostbite. It's not just the cold that causes it... it's moisture in combination with cold. Frostbite starts by looking whitish, then turns to black or purplish spots. Sometimes supplemental heat in a coop can inadvertently add moisture, along with their body heat and breathing, so increased ventilation could help as well.

Here's a couple articles you may find helpful that explain it a lot better:

Prevent Frostbite During Winter

Supplemental Heat in Winter

Good luck with your flock!
Hi Gillian and welcome to BYC. I cannot help you with your question as I have only kept chickens in the tropics, but hopefully someone will be along with the requisite experience to advise.

This is a useful link of BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3 I’d suggest including your location using the guide in that link. You can use this link to contact members in your area - http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/144/canadians-check-in-here

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Thank you!

View attachment 1602312 Glad you decided to join us! Sometimes chicken combs can become paler and drier looking during winter or molting. You can try to protect and moisturize their combs by coating them with vaseline or coconut oil.

It could possibly be the start of a fungal infection, or even the beginning stage of frostbite. It's not just the cold that causes it... it's moisture in combination with cold. Frostbite starts by looking whitish, then turns to black or purplish spots. Sometimes supplemental heat in a coop can inadvertently add moisture, along with their body heat and breathing, so increased ventilation could help as well.

Here's a couple articles you may find helpful that explain it a lot better:

Prevent Frostbite During Winter

Supplemental Heat in Winter

Good luck with your flock! View attachment 1602319
Thank you very much!

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